Critical Language Scholarship Program 2023


Critical Language Scholarship Program 2023 | CLS Program effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying for the students so that student who is interested in the scholarship are able to apply as soon as possible for a scholarship. Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply for the students in the Critical Scholarship Program 2023.

Participants are to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period for the students in the Critical Scholarship Program 2023 in the world-famous university for the students. and later apply their critical language skills for the students so the students have to apply as soon as possible for the scholarship program in August.

CLS provides rigorous academic instruction in 15 languages for students which is critical to the American national security system and economic prosperity for the eligible students so students have to take an application form for this program. CLS participants are citizen ambassadors for the students, sharing American values and promoting American influence abroad for the students so the students who are eligible for the scholarship as soon as possible.

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The purpose of the Critical Scholarships Program

The Critical Language Scholarship Program 2023 in the USA is a program of the U.S.A Department of State which offers fully-funded overseas language for American undergraduate students and graduate students so this is the best Critical Language Scholarship in the world so the students apply as soon as possible so apply and fill the eligibility criteria.

The goal of broadening the base of the American studying system in the world is the best education system and mastering critical languages and building relationships between the people of the United States and other countries for the Critical Language Scholarship for the students in this world’s biggest Critical Language Scholarship platform. This foundation provides the best study opportunities to the diverse and eligible range of students from all over the United States at every level of language learning in this platform for the students for the Critical Language Scholarship Program 2023 for students.

critical languages supported currently include the Arabic language, Azerbaijani language, Bangla language, Chinese language, Hindi language, Indonesian language, Japanese language, Korean language, Persian language, Portuguese language, Punjabi language, Russian language, Swahili language, Turkish language, and Urdu language it means this is the world wide scholarship and international scholarship for the students.

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Key Benefits of CLS

Develop Key Expertise

This Program provides its scholars intensive language for the students and cultural instruction in an environment designed to maximize their language gains at every level in this CLS program for the students in Critical language scholarship.

Career Ready Skills

Alumni apply their critical language skills in a variety of professional fields in public and private sectors for the students as well as the government sector, helping to support America’s competitiveness across the board for the students in the Critical Language Scholarship 2023 program held in August.

Citizen Diplomacy

CLS scholars represent the breadth and diversity of the United States for the students in the Critical Scholarship. Through personal engagement, they help the students and develop mutual understanding with the people of other countries by providing good training for the students in this Critical Language Scholarship 2023.

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  • Being a U.S. citizen is necessary for the Critical Language Scholarship
  • Being an undergraduate or graduate student is necessary for the Critical Language Scholarship
  • Being at least 18 years of age by May 15th of the award year is necessary for the Critical Language Scholarship
  • If you are an undergraduate, completing at least 1 full year of study by the beginning of the CLS program is necessary for the Critical Scholarship
  • Being at the appropriate level of the desired language is necessary for the Critical Scholarship

No previous study is required for the Critical Scholarship:

      • Azerbaijani
      • Bangla
      • Hindi
      • Indonesian
      • Persian
      • Punjabi
      • Swahili
      • Turkish
      • Urdu

1 year of study is required for Critical Language Scholarship

      • Arabic
      • Korean
      • Portuguese
      • Russian

2 years of study required for Critical Scholarship:

      • Chinese
      • Japanese’

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Application Material

You may still review your submission online here

  • A critical Language Scholarship Application is required
  • 2 letters of recommendation are also part of this scholarship
Selection Criteria
  • Demonstrated academic excellence in Critical Language Scholarship
  • Potential to succeed in a rigorous academic setting for Critical Language Scholarship
  • Commitment to language learning for Critical Language Scholarship
  • A clear connection between the target language and career/academic goals described in the essays for Critical Language Scholarship
  • Ability to adapt to an intensive program and a challenging cultural environment for Critical Scholarship for the students in this Critical Language Scholarship
  • Contributions to the CLS program and program goals for Critical Language Scholarship

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  • AUGUST 2023 is the last date for the scholarship
  • ~600 per year for Critical Scholarship
Length of Scholarship
  • 8-10 weeks for Critical Scholarship

Learn more about the CLS Program



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